In today’s increasingly close global trade, Mexico, as an emerging market, attracts the attention of many cross-border sellers. However, the Mexican express delivery business is facing a lot of difficulties, from cargo security to policy changes, have brought considerable challenges to the development of cross-border e-commerce, but also contains new opportunities.

In recent years, the security of freight transportation in Mexico has been a source of concern. Criminal groups have gone on the rampage, frequently robbing transport vehicles on the highway and launching organized attacks on warehouses, leading to a sharp rise in the risk of cargo transportation. Especially food and beverages, building materials, auto parts and other high-value goods, has become the main target of criminals covet. The backward facilities and chaotic management of the port, resulting in a large number of goods backlog, but also to make cargo security worse. Against this background, the cargo transportation of Mexico Express is facing a huge test.
On the policy front, as of January 2025, Mexico has implemented a number of new policies. The elimination of tax exemptions for goods under $50, the imposition of a 19% Harmonized Global Tax (HGT), increased regulation of customs clearance for express parcels, and the requirement for more detailed importer information. These policy changes have increased the operating costs of Mexican express delivery and made the customs clearance process more complex. Cross-border sellers using Mexican express services must be more careful to handle the customs declaration and clearance of goods, to ensure that all information is accurate, in order to avoid goods stranded or detained.

Despite the difficulties, there are ways to deal with them. When choosing Mexican express delivery partners, sellers should prioritize those companies that have rich experience and good reputation in the local area. Can be recommended through on-site visits or consultation with peers to understand the coverage of its transportation network, transportation efficiency and safety measures. For example, some professional logistics service providers can provide one-stop express service from China’s warehouses to the entire territory of Mexico, with a perfect security system, such as the whole logistics track query function, so that the seller can track the location of the goods in real time; professional customs clearance team can use their professional knowledge and experience to cope with the complexity of the policy changes, reduce the risk of goods detention; flexible delivery program can be based on customer demand and local conditions, to ensure that the cargo The flexible delivery program can ensure the accurate delivery of goods according to the customer’s needs and the actual local situation.

Packaging protection is also extremely critical for Mexico Express. Sellers should use high-strength packaging materials to prevent goods from being damaged during transportation. At the same time, avoid displaying information about the value of the goods on the outer packaging, try to use neutral markings to reduce the risk of theft. When necessary, you can also consider the use of anti-theft packaging or GPS tracking devices to further protect the safety of goods.
In addition, sellers also need to pay close attention to changes in Mexican express delivery-related policies and future development trends, and adjust their business strategies in advance. With the Mexican government increasing infrastructure investment, promote the digital transformation of the logistics industry, with the Internet of Things, big data and other technologies to achieve intelligent cargo tracking and security management, cross-border sellers should actively adapt to this change, strengthen the collaboration with local partners, and jointly explore new logistical solutions to ensure the smooth operation of the Mexican express delivery business, and to achieve the sustained growth of cross-border trade.

Mexico express in cross-border trade occupies an important position, although currently facing many difficulties, but through reasonable countermeasures and active cooperation, cross-border sellers can find a way to break the game in this market, so that Mexico express become an efficient bridge connecting the two countries’ trade.